PROKU stands for Production Kitchen Units and focuses on the efficient use of professional kitchen equipment to produce larger quantities of foods and beverages for:

        • Office Centers & Business Canteens
        • Hotels, Restaurants & Cafes
        • Meeting Conferences & Events

Proku Logo


PROKU’s “Jidelna” is our reference establishment to cater a business center with a variety of foods for over 2000 employees. A daily combination of local specialities, popular international dishes and healthy produce serves our goal to ensure one real meal a day to busy professionals.

Holy Goulash

There are meals that are simply too complicated or time consuming to be produced by busy parents and even smaller restaurants, so we decided to focus on some an produce them for other professionals, events, take away and even for delivery services. Our first concept focuses on traditionally prepared Goulash and homemade bread dumplings. Check out our concept page on

Holy Goulash